Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

My speech

 Hi my name is Zamarah and if I was the prime minister of new zealand I would make changes that would be better for all of us.  

If I were the prime minister I would make petrol cheaper So we could travel our beautiful country north and south. 

Also I would Make warm shelter For our homeless people and youth. I would also make rent a lot cheaper so families would have more money for food And other essentials. I would also make food A lot cheaper So everyone can have good meals. 

I would make Dentist treatments free for everyone. I would also Make Doctor visits free and medication Free for all who needed it.

I would put rubbish cans everywhere so there would be no excuses for littering Wherever you go so next time you throw a bit of rubbish on the ground there would be no next time because there will be a rubbish bin right next to you.

I would also ban smoking Because people are wasting All their money on cigarettes. Imagine How much money you could save from not buying cigarettes. You can go on holiday for 4 weeks. Cigarettes will damage loads of your body parts especially your lungs And your brain Even search it up.Would you like to get damaged body parts and not breathe Properly Because I wouldn't. So stop smoking. You little rats, ok that's Enough  talking about smOKING…. 

LET'S TALK ABOUT 1080 MY FRIEND INDY told ME That her mum Had 9 dogs and  8 dogs ate Poison possums In the bush There was only one dog that survived and her name was Fly and she was clever and very well trade dog and she didn't Eat the Poison possums so I would band 1080 just like my best friend indy would.

SO to finish my speech i would like to tell you to vote for me as your next prime minister if you want me to do something about housing, petrol prices, health, littering, 1080 and smoking.

Rotational symmetry

   we did this very fun maths work thing with an amazing relief teacher named petrina it was so so so fun.

It is called rotational symmetry

Friday, April 16, 2021

the hungry rabbit's

 at night i was out getting same dinner for me and my babies but then i saw same flashing lights i got scared so i ran as fast as i could .with fresh grass in my mouth and then i saw my husband so then i stop and said
''where are you going ''and he said ''i was looking for you ''and i said ''lets go home ''then my husband followed me then we stopped and we listened we heard a gunshot so we pooped our selves and we never seen that same one with a gun then same one shut my husband in the leg so then  


how to play ki-o-rahi

 You have to have to team’s and the two teams have names and the one that runs around and hits the pou is ki oma and taniwha can run in the river 

Two.and you need to have cones  you will need to have a drum and 7  pou and you need 1 ball watch is called a key and you are probably wondering what is ki-o-rahi? Ki-o-rahi is a game to play outside or inside but I prefer outside.   the color of the pou can be any color.

My reflection for term 1

                                        Term 1 reflection 2021

This term I have been proud of the following achievements.

In reading …. I have gotten even better at reading and I have even begun to read at home when I am just about going to sleep.   

In writing this term …. My writing has got much more neater my mum when i show her my writing  she says WOW very good writing marah.

In maths I …have been good but I still need a little bit more practice for times tables but I am good with 10 pulse 4 or the same thing that is placed with 10 thow.       

In PE this term….i have loved swimming and liked playing ki-o-rahi it was a great term for me and i hope for the whole school they had a great term too.   

In art I … in art it was amazing because we did  3 thighs this term my favourite was the pastel art it was so beautiful to  

During activity week …. my favourite was the beach

Friday, February 26, 2021